Hoods mill bridge is now open to traffic.
Office Contact Information:
Supervisors' Telephone Numbers:
Marty Stahl: 724-516-4705----- Jerry Lenhart: 724-953-9580------Luke Grimm 724-331-9259
Secretary: Debbie Rhodes: 724-593-7471 Office Hours: Monday - Thursday - 7:30am to 5:30pm
Monthly Meeting Information:
Supervisors' Monthly Meeting Day and Time: The 1st Wednesday of each month at 7:00pm, at the Cook Township Community Center, located at 1698 State Route 711, Stahlstown, Pennsylvania.
January 2 - Reorganizational meeting
January 3 - Auditors meeting 4:00 p.m.
February 7 - Regular meeting
March 6 - Regular meeting
April 3 - Regular meeting
May 1 - Regular meeting
June 5 - Regular meeting
July 3 - Regular meeting
August 7 - Regular meeting
September 4 - Regular meeting
October 2 - Regular meeting
November 6 - Regular meeting
December 4 - Regular meeting
Various Permits are available at the Municipal Office.
DUMPSTER DAY 2024: Saturday September 21, 2024 from 9-1. Cook Township residents only. ID required
Community Organizations
Chestnut Ridge Volunteer Fire Company
CRVFC Calendar of Events on Facebook
Visit Our Famous Stahlstown Flax Scutching Festival: www.FlaxScutching.org
Be sure to visit our friends at the Chestnut Ridge Historical Society located in the Community Center! www.ChestnutRidgeHistoricalSociety.org